Queerly Creative Daily Art Journaling with Sassafras Lowrey

For nonbinary and transgender people of all ages putting our stories onto the page is important and can even be personally transformative. Creative daily art journaling is a way that we can document our queer lives for memory and self-reflection. Art journaling involves combining words, photos, drawings, cut/paste from magazines/newspapers/mail, stickers etc. onto the page to document memories. Especially during the pandemic which has brought so much isolation and uncertainty, art journaling can be a personal (or collaborative) way of documenting the special and mundane moments of daily life. In this workshop we will explore tips for no/low-cost ways of getting started with art journaling, techniques for art journaling, and strategies for queerly incorporating creative journaling into your life. ---------------------- Register in advance for this meeting: https://forge-forward.zoom.us/.../tZ0rf... After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. ---------------------- SUPPLIES NEEDED: -- Notebook of any kind and size (optional) -- Paper (lined […]