Biden’s First Hundred Days: What is means for trans & non-binary communities

Much has changed dramatically for trans and non-binary rights since President Biden took office, including who’s representing our interests and how they’re discussed. Please join FORGE for conversation about what has changed in the first 100 days (and what’s stayed the same). We’ll review the administration’s commitments, explore roadblocks and what remains to be done, and hold space for discussion about how we as community members can contribute to making change. FORGE informational events are focused on people in the trans/non-binary community(ies). Everyone is welcome – friends, family, loved ones. Presenters: Shelley Gregory & Loree Cook-Daniels Shelley Gregory (they/them or any pronouns). Shelley is a trans human, activist, and advocate, and the Strategic Project Coordinator for FORGE. Shelley has worked actively in the LGBTQI+ community for over 25 years and began to focus their work on advocacy for transgender and non-binary folx nearly two decades ago. Their background is as a civil rights lawyer. Shelley […]