NO Monthly Milwaukee Meeting

FORGE will not be hosting a meeting this month. Instead of the monthly 7:00pm FORGE Milwaukee Monthly Meeting, we encourage you to: Attend the 6:00pm Open Discussion (a longer rap than usual) Attend the UWM Drag Ball, which benefits both the Milwaukee LGBT Center's Project Q Youth Program and Pathfinders. See the link below for more information.    

Parents of trans kids support group

MKE Parents of Trans Kids is a group of parents and caregivers supporting each other on our individual journeys of love, acceptance, and advocacy for our school-aged gender non-binary, transgender and non-conforming children. We meet monthly on the 3rd Sunday from 2:00pm to 3:30pm. Supportive, gently facilitated meetings offer parents and adult family members the opportunity to share their successes, concerns, and stories of challenges and resilience. This space also provides a forum to learn from others, ask questions, seek feedback, or just listen. Childcare can be provided upon request. Please contact us 10 days prior to the meeting so we can arrange for a sitter. For additional information, email us at

Monthly Milwaukee Meeting: (Film) Transgender Tuesdays

Film: "Transgender Tuesdays" Directed by Mark Freeman (2012) "They came for the hormones and stayed for the healthcare." "The real story behind the country's first public health clinic to offer Primary Care specifically for transgender folks, in 1993, is actually the story of its pioneering patients. They appeared by the hundreds in this little clinic in the Tenderloin of San Francisco at the height of the AIDS epidemic, overcoming a deep distrust of medical institutions. Their true stories, hard to tell and rarely heard, are far more dramatic than afternoon talk shows or cable TV exploitation and often inspiring and full of grace." To learn more about the film:   What’s the purpose of FORGE’s Milwaukee Monthly Meetings? Share information on pre-selected subjects. Provide support for people who attend. [All people who are interested in trans and gender non-binary issues are welcome. We encourage people to participate at their level of comfort. [Note: Milwaukee […]

Parents of trans kids support group

MKE Parents of Trans Kids is a group of parents and caregivers supporting each other on our individual journeys of love, acceptance, and advocacy for our school-aged gender non-binary, transgender and non-conforming children. We meet monthly on the 3rd Sunday from 2:00pm to 3:30pm. Supportive, gently facilitated meetings offer parents and adult family members the opportunity to share their successes, concerns, and stories of challenges and resilience. This space also provides a forum to learn from others, ask questions, seek feedback, or just listen. Childcare can be provided upon request. Please contact us 10 days prior to the meeting so we can arrange for a sitter. For additional information, email us at

Monthly Milwaukee Meeting: Trans wellness — body and mind

Description: A look into how we, as trans+ individuals, can incorporate mental and physical self care into our daily lives and strive towards wellness and joy! Presenters: Caleb Weinhardt is a Sophomore at Shorewood High School, and enjoys music and acting. He has been involved in volunteer work for FORGE and Pridefest, and has done community work with his school's GSA. Tom Parker is a Milwaukee native and an educator in the Public School System.  He is also an avid cyclist and dog owner.   What’s the purpose of FORGE’s Milwaukee Monthly Meetings? Share information on pre-selected subjects. Provide support for people who attend. [All people who are interested in trans and gender non-binary issues are welcome. We encourage people to participate at their level of comfort. [Note: Milwaukee Monthly Meetings are not political action or social justice-focused events. Our purpose is support and information-sharing. There is ample community space for political organizing, confronting injustice, […]

Parents of trans kids support group

MKE Parents of Trans Kids is a group of parents and caregivers supporting each other on our individual journeys of love, acceptance, and advocacy for our school-aged gender non-binary, transgender and non-conforming children. We meet monthly on the 3rd Sunday from 2:00pm to 3:30pm. Supportive, gently facilitated meetings offer parents and adult family members the opportunity to share their successes, concerns, and stories of challenges and resilience. This space also provides a forum to learn from others, ask questions, seek feedback, or just listen. Childcare can be provided upon request. Please contact us 10 days prior to the meeting so we can arrange for a sitter. For additional information, email us at

Monthly Milwaukee Meeting: Trans Pride

Pride season is just around the corner.   Join others in the community on Saturday, May 28, 2016 to discuss what Pride means to you.  For some people in the trans, non-binary, and loved ones community(ies), we gladly join with our LGBQ siblings in celebrating.  For others, Pride doesn't feel relevant or necessary to our identities and experiences. This meeting will have 2 distinct parts: A 60 minute of discussion about Pride A 30 minute of mini “orientation” about FORGE’s PrideFest booth and how you can be involved The past many months have been very difficult for many in the trans community.  Many of us feel weary and tired of what feels like an uphill battle.  It may be hard to feel good about ourselves and our community when, for example, 11 states are suing the Obama administration over his reminder to states about existing federal laws (Title IX, Title VII, VAWA, EEOC, HUD, +). We […]

Parents of trans kids support group

MKE Parents of Trans Kids is a group of parents and caregivers supporting each other on our individual journeys of love, acceptance, and advocacy for our school-aged gender non-binary, transgender and non-conforming children. We meet monthly on the 3rd Sunday from 2:00pm to 3:30pm. Supportive, gently facilitated meetings offer parents and adult family members the opportunity to share their successes, concerns, and stories of challenges and resilience. This space also provides a forum to learn from others, ask questions, seek feedback, or just listen. Childcare can be provided upon request. Please contact us 10 days prior to the meeting so we can arrange for a sitter. For additional information, email us at

Monthly Milwaukee Meeting: Speak-Out — Stories of Hope and Resiliency

Orlando. HB2. Westboro Baptist Church. People who have never met a trans person telling us who we are. It’s easy to see those who oppose, hate, or simply don’t know who we are but feel free to offer a negative opinion anyway. On Saturday June 25th , 2016 we are going to create a counter-wave of hope and resiliency. The whole night will be devoted to sharing our stories of when someone came through for us in a wonderful way we weren’t expecting. We welcome all types of stories. It could be the stranger at the diner counter who was delighted to hear you are trans. It could be the elected official who publicly stated he has changed his mind about LGBT people. It could be the family member who surprised you with words of support that you never expected to get from them. It could be the health care provider who went out of […]

Parents of trans kids support group

MKE Parents of Trans Kids is a group of parents and caregivers supporting each other on our individual journeys of love, acceptance, and advocacy for our school-aged gender non-binary, transgender and non-conforming children. We meet monthly on the 3rd Sunday from 2:00pm to 3:30pm. Supportive, gently facilitated meetings offer parents and adult family members the opportunity to share their successes, concerns, and stories of challenges and resilience. This space also provides a forum to learn from others, ask questions, seek feedback, or just listen. Childcare can be provided upon request. Please contact us 10 days prior to the meeting so we can arrange for a sitter. For additional information, email us at