LGBT Anti-Violence Training (UW-Parkside)

Last minute cancelations have resulted in open seats in Monday’s (10/1/12) interactive LGBTQ anti-violence training for providers and allied professionals who work with victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and hate violence. Date: Monday, October 1, 2012 Time:  3:00 – 5:30pm Location: UW-Parkside (Kenosha, Wisconsin) Cost: FREE! The training is being sponsored by Agents for Liberation, a campus-based activist organization focused on the intersection of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) and people of color issues. FORGE training staff Loree Cook-Daniels and michael munson will guide participants through dynamic didactic and engaging interactive content focused on violence against LGBT people, with special attention to the higher levels of violence and increased barriers to service for LGBT people of color who have experienced intimate partner violence, sexual assault and/or hate violence.  Participants will have an opportunity to develop personal and/or agency action plans, and to network with others who are interested in this topic. Seating is […]


2nd Biennial Conference on Supporting Transgender & Gender Nonconforming Youth

Compounding Variables: Anti-Transgender Hate Crimes and Sexual Assaults Workshop description:  Through a blend of didactic and experiential modalities, youth-focused national statistics on anti-trans hate violence will be presented, with a lens focused on the intersections of trans and other marginalized identities and experiences (race, disability, class, incarceration history, etc.)    Conference sponsored by the Dane County Children, Youth and Families Consortium, in collaboration with the Canopy Center, Community Partnerships, Freedom, Inc., Gay Straight Alliance for Safe Schools, Madison Metropolitan School District, TransParent Group, and Youth Services of Southern Wisconsin. For more information: Community Partnerships, Inc. ATTN: Karen Bittner 1334 Dewey Court Madison, WI 53703 (608) 250-6634, ext. 126 or

Film: Facing Mirrors

Facing Mirrors (Negar Azarbayjani, Iran/Germany, in Farsi with English subtitles, 102min., 2011) The first narrative film from Iran to feature a transgender main character and a story of an unexpected friendship, one that defies class, oppressive social norms and religious beliefs. In her first feature, filmmaker Negar Azarbayjani pairs two unlikely allies. Edi, breezily rebellious as only the wealthy can be, is nevertheless desperately awaiting her passport: She needs to leave her oppressive father, who rejects her trans identity and is determined to marry her off. Rana is an otherwise traditional wife and mother, who, forced to defy convention, drives a cab to pay off her imprisoned husband's debts. By chance she picks up Edi, in flight, and the two, as in the best buddy films and road movies, negotiate conflicting and rigid attitudes and arrive at unanticipated understandings. As does the film: The gripping Facing Mirrors is impressively idiosyncratic in its adherence to genre, […]

$7 – $9

Film: An Evening of Trans Shorts

At Last: An Evening of Trans* Shorts Co-Sponsor: Cream City Foundation Community Co-Presenters: FORGE, Milwaukee LGBT Community Center, PFLAG-Milwaukee Campus Partner: UWM LGBT Studies Certificate Program This evening's shorts program explores and celebrates the struggles and joys and talents of a diverse group of Trans* people. Featured: families, established and in formation; love, new and old, and love, uncertain and promising; humor, tragic and exultant; sorrow and happiness; and this: a killer performance of Etta James' "At Last!" To screen: Queen (Adam Rose, USA, 22min, 2011); The Thing (Rhys Ernst, USA, 15min, 2012); La Santa (Mauricio López Fernández, Chile, in Spanish with English subtitles, 14min., 2012); Transforming Family (Rémy Huberdeau, Canada, 10min, 2012); & Black Mask (Rene Brasil, Brazil, in Portuguese with English subtitles; 15min, 2011) Learn more:

$7 – $9

Social Support: On Hold: Between Decision and Action

October social support meeting: Topic: On Hold: Between Decision and Action At times all of us have had to wait for something we really, really wanted.  Some of us are still waiting!  This often happens with regard to gender-related changes, but there are many other things that can be put “on-hold.” For some, the "hold" is due to finances. For others, it may be about prioritizing family or career. Others still may find that fear or medical conditions stand in their way. We’ll talk about the reasons people end up on hold, but we’ll focus mostly on what to do about it:  creative ways to jump over actual or perceived hurdles AND ways to handle your emotions when there really isn’t anything you can do about being “on hold.”   Open rap is from 6:00 - 7:15pm Open rap is the time to connect connection with fellow Trans+ and SOFFA individuals. This gently facilitated time […]

Transgender Day of Remembrance

November 19, 2012 @ 7:30pm Join FORGE and community partners (see below) in marking the Transgender Day of Remembrance. The greater Milwaukee community will be honoring those who have lost their lives due to anti-transgender hate and/or violence on Monday, November 19, 2012 at 7:30pm in Room 191 of the UW-Milwaukee Union. This is a COMMUNITY event -- for the community, of the community, by the community.  Part of joining together as a community this year, is to hear multiple voices and diverse views.  Readings from community members will be a central part of the event.   Event co-partners: Cream City Foundation Diverse and Resilient Equality Wisconsin Fair Wisconsin FORGE Milwaukee LGBT Community Center Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church SAGE-Milwaukee SHEBA UWM LGBT Resource Center WCASA / WCADV's LGBT Committee  

Social Support: Exploring, Creating, and Recreating Self-Concept

November's Social Support meeting Topic: Narratives: Exploring, Creating, and Recreating Self-Concept Many of us spend hundreds of hours contemplating our gender and consciously (or unconsciously) creating narratives that explain our past, current, and future gendered reality.  When narratives are shared with others, they can become immutable, resulting in a quandary of how we can change and continue to re-define ourselves without others (or ourselves) binding us to a fixed moment in time.  How do we consciously create an identity that is known and shown to the world - through friendships, family relationships, co-workers, and via social media?  What happens when we discover our narratives are incongruent with the narratives others have created for and about us?     Open rap is from 6:00 - 7:15pm Open rap is the time to connect connection with fellow Trans+ and SOFFA individuals. This gently facilitated time is especially devoted to exploring the issues you bring in – sharing […]

Social Support

December's "meeting" = Holiday party Join FORGE members on December 22, 2012 for a holiday social event.  In place of our regular talk-focused meeting, we will share food, casual conversation, music, and games. Please bring food or non-alcoholic beverages to share.  If you have music you would enjoy listening to, please also bring CDs, MP3 players, speakers so others can enjoy, too.

Social Support: The Aggressives (film)

January's social support meeting: "The Aggressives" (film) Description: The Aggressives, a 2005 film by Daniel Peddle, is a rarely explored documentary about six self-defined "aggressives" -- primarily African-American individuals assigned female at birth who express themselves in uniquely masculine ways.  The film powerfully explores their lives and examines gender in ways that are not often part of traditional trans-narratives. Black History Month -- February -- is just around the corner.  In previous years, we have screened films like "Paris is Burning" and "How Do I Look?"  This film -- The Aggressives -- highlights the "flip side" of some gendered identities and expressions within African-American communities. A discussion will follow the film.   Open rap is from 6:00 - 7:15pm Open rap is the time to connect connection with fellow Trans+ and SOFFA individuals. This gently facilitated time is especially devoted to exploring the issues you bring in – sharing your experiences and stories, asking questions, […]

Social Support

"Making the Most of My Time" Guest Speaker: Craig Bodoh Description: Guest presenter, Craig Bodoh, is a coach, seminar leader, and author who has presented to the LGBT community over the years, at the Creating Change Conference, the Leather Leadership Conference, QShares, and the Milwaukee LGBT Center. "Making the Most of My Time" is an interactive, fun workshop that will stimulate your thoughts on how you use your time.  You will leave the session with a customized plan designed by you to make the necessary improvements. For more information about Craig, please check out his website listed below. Craig Bodoh Coach, Seminar Leader, Author Personal Effectiveness Plus, LLC Making your time work for you! 414-449-5020     Open rap is from 6:00 - 7:15pm Open rap is the time to connect connection with fellow Trans+ and SOFFA individuals. This gently facilitated time is especially devoted to exploring the issues you bring in – sharing […]