It’s a new year – goals and aspirations

It's a new year, and many of us take advantage of that "fresh start" to set goals and make changes.  At January’s meeting, we'll give everyone an opportunity to reflect and share on the previous year and talk about their hopes, dreams, goals, and aspirations for 2011.  Your goals/resolutions might be small or large, simple or complex, well-defined or amorphous (or maybe non-existent). They might be about gender or some other topic.  Feel well-supported as you share, and find encouragement from others who will cheer you on (and even offer supportive ideas) in pursuing your goals. Come on down and help your fellow FORGE attendees get a great start in the new year!

Working While Trans

The National Center on Transgender Equality (NCTE) in conjunction with the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF), just release "Injustice at every turn: A report of the national transgender discrimination survey."  In this detailed and compelling report, they cover employment discrimination, as well as many other forms of discrimination transgender individuals and loved ones experience.  At February's meeting, we will use the survey results as a jumping off point to compare national statistics with our local reality.   Ample time will be available for discussion of issues such as on-the-job harassment, loss of chosen career, under-employment, non-consensual outing, forced bathroom choice, the role of transition (helping or hindering in maintaining or pursuing jobs), resilience, and strategies for success.  FORGE staff will also reveal a new opportunity for transgender people and loved ones seeking employment in Wisconsin.

Community Cares next meeting

The LGBTQI community has suffered multiple losses over the past several months — both in Wisconsin and across the nation. Join us at the next Community Cares meeting to discuss how many components (dots) are connected, and what we as a community can do to start erasing the lines and creating new, healthier options for ourselves, our community, and our world. -- November 7, 2010 (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)

Street violence, safety and dealing with the police

7:30 – 9:00pm Guest speaker: Attorney Laura Sette Anti-transgender violence -- occurring on the street, at home, at work, or anywhere else -- is more prevalent than most of us like to acknowledge.  We will briefly address general street safety for trans+ and SOFFA individuals (always keeping in mind that our actions are not to blame for the friction or fists initiated by others).  Attorney Laura Sette will then address the challenges of if, when and how to involve the police in anti-transgender violence, recognizing that the police may be less than helpful (at best) or part of the problem (at worst).  Ample time for questions and answers will allow for discussion about specific concerns and challenges. -- For more information on monthly social support group meetings, check out this page.

“As the Spirit Moves you…”

 7:30 - 9:00pm Guest speaker: Shai Wise Guest speaker - and former regular FORGE attendee - Shai Wise is back from Minnesota and will rally discussion around spiritual practices and connections (or not) to religious communities.   Shai is an out FTM/intersex pastor, who comes from a complex spiritual background and embraces a wide range of spiritual beliefs and practices.  Shai's laid back style, will encourage discussion and guide people into talking about what needs and desires people have (or don't have) from religious communities. -- For more information on monthly social support group meetings, check out this page.

Choosing love

7:30 - 9:00pm Choosing Love Join us for a discussion about choosing love in your life.  An interactive game will kick of the meeting, serving as a jumping off point for further discussion about how and where to meet people; considerations about if/how/when to disclose trans identity or history; what kinds of things weaken the bonds within a relationship; and strategies for maintaining loving and long-lasting relationships. -- For more information on monthly social support group meetings, check out this page.