[CONNECT] Sleep and tiredness

Join FORGE and Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin, Inclusion Health Clinic for supportive social connection. This week’s topic: Sleep and Tiredness So many of us are sleeping more, sleeping at different times than we used to --- and still being tired even after “ample” sleep.  Join in this discussion about how you are sleeping, what you’ve tried in order to get more stable and restful sleep, and how you are coping with tiredness.  (We welcome those who feel rested and untired, too!)   Zoom link https://forge-forward.zoom.us/j/97360502213 Use computer audio or dial in:         +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)         +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) Meeting ID: 973 6050 2213   All groups are trans and queer led.   CONNECT CHAT is facilitated by michael munson. michael is as an out trans-masculine femme. He embraces many overlapping identities, including being radically queer, gender-fluid, a person living with multiple disabilities, a passionate […]

[CONNECT] Play with Pals – Mystery Game

Join FORGE and Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin, Inclusion Health Clinic for supportive social connection. Let’s have some fun and play some online games!   Zoom link https://forge-forward.zoom.us/j/96610327647 Use computer audio or dial in:         +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)         +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 966 1032 7647   All groups are trans and queer led. The facilitator for this event is Matthew Lewis, a Black Queer poet, community health promoter, and unapologetic Aquarius.  He has a bachelor’s degree in English-Creative Writing and Gender Studies from the UW-Madison.  He currently works as a Clinical Program Coordinator for the Medical College of Wisconsin. Matthew has strong passions for storytelling, R&B music, and Food Network TV. . About CONNECT Play with Pals events: CONNECT groups will meet three times each week with a different focus for each session. Friday’s from 4:00 – 5:30pm is a time to bring your playful […]

[ASK the advocate] Accessing food and other basic necessities during COVID-19 

Join FORGE and Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin, Inclusion Health Clinic for an opportunity to ask questions and engage with professionals serving the trans/non-binary community. Topic: Accessing food and other basic necessities during COVID-19 Need help getting food or other essential items? There are many options to help in the Greater Milwaukee area. Check out what’s available for either yourself or others you may help. Presenter:  Shelley Gregory (they/them or any pronouns) Shelley is a trans human, activist, and advocate, and the Strategic Project Coordinator for FORGE. Shelley has worked actively in the LGBTQI+ community for over 25 years and began to focus their work on advocacy for transgender and non-binary folx nearly two decades ago. Their background is as a civil rights lawyer. Shelley continually aims to contribute to improving quality of life for trans and non-binary individuals and increasing our inclusion in society. Shelley presently assists survivors of violence through individual […]

[ASK the physician] Mental Health in the Time of COVID-19

Join FORGE and Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin, Inclusion Health Clinic for an opportunity to ask questions and engage with professionals serving the trans/non-binary community. Topic: A lively discussion about current topics in mental health during a time of a pandemic, focusing on the impact of transitions in life and treatment options.   Zoom link https://forge-forward.zoom.us/j/99572051216 Use computer audio or dial in: +1 312 626 6799 +1 929 205 6099 Webinar ID: 995 7205 1216   Presenter: Dr. Israel Labao, MD, MPH i Dr. Israel Labao, MD, MPH is a third year psychiatry resident at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He is an American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry Scholar. He has strong interest in treating those going through their milestones and transitions in life, as well as coping with anxiety and depression.   . About ASK events: ASK the Expert events are open periods of regularly scheduled time (Tuesdays from 6-7:00pm and Saturdays […]

[CONNECT] Show and Tell: Share a meaningful part of your life

Join FORGE and Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin, Inclusion Health Clinic for supportive social connection.  All groups are trans and queer led.   Description: Show and Tell: Share a meaningful part of your life The Sound of Music’s main character, Maria, sang about Favorite Things.  At this meeting, we encourage you to bring with you a favorite item, photo, or symbol to share with people.  Consider bringing something that is important to you, your identity, your sense of Self and/or something that symbolizes meaning-making in your life.   Zoom link https://forge-forward.zoom.us/j/91774407885 Use computer audio or dial in:         +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)         +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 917 7440 7885   Facilitator: michael munson. michael is as an out trans-masculine femme. He embraces many overlapping identities, including being radically queer, gender-fluid, a person living with multiple disabilities, a passionate worker, proud parent, strong and tender partner, empathic […]

[CONNECT] I want to reach out, but don’t know how to start!

Join FORGE and Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin, Inclusion Health Clinic for supportive social connection.  All groups are trans and queer led.   This week’s topic: I want to reach out, but don’t know how to start! Feeling disconnected with your friends or family?  Not sure how to initiate contact, even though you want to?  This problem-solving interactive discussion will explore ways we can successfully (and comfortably!) reach out to the people in our lives and cultivate more connection.     Zoom link https://forge-forward.zoom.us/j/93307339093 Use computer audio or dial in: Dial by your location         +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)         +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)         +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 933 0733 9093   CONNECT CHAT is facilitated by michael munson. michael is as an out trans-masculine femme. He embraces many overlapping identities, including being radically queer, gender-fluid, a person living with multiple disabilities, a […]

[CONNECT] Mystery Game

Join FORGE and Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin, Inclusion Health Clinic for supportive social connection. Let’s have some fun and play some online games!   Zoom link https://forge-forward.zoom.us/j/97890093691 Use computer audio or dial in:         +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)         +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)         +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 978 9009 3691   All groups are trans and queer led. The facilitator for this event is Matthew Lewis, a Black Queer poet, community health promoter, and unapologetic Aquarius.  He has a bachelor’s degree in English-Creative Writing and Gender Studies from the UW-Madison.  He currently works as a Clinical Program Coordinator for the Medical College of Wisconsin. Matthew has strong passions for storytelling, R&B music, and Food Network TV. . About CONNECT Play with Pals events: CONNECT groups will meet three times each week with a different focus for each session. Friday’s from 4:00 – […]

[ASK the advocate] Staying true to yourself while staying safe

Join FORGE and Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin, Inclusion Health Clinic for an opportunity to ask questions and engage with professionals serving the trans/non-binary community. Topic: Staying true to yourself while staying safe: Gender expression in the age of COVID-19 In our world of social distancing, face masks, working from home, and other shifts in our day-to-day lives, trans and non-binary people are often struggling with how to stay safe AND how to continue to present our gender in ways that feel true and affirming.  Are you worried that wearing a face mask will change how people perceive your gender?  (Wonder about how to get lipstick off of your cloth mask?!)  Are you concerned about your gender expression if you need to stop binding for a while to give your lungs a bit more breathing room?  We’ll talk about how gender cues might shift and how our gender expression may morph as we […]

[ASK the physician] “My job is considered essential — how can i stay safer?”

Join FORGE and Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin, Inclusion Health Clinic for an opportunity to ask questions and engage with professionals serving the trans/non-binary community. Topic: "My job is considered essential -- how can i stay safer?" Not everyone is working from home or unemployed.  It is not always clear what needs to be done to stay safe(r) while working with others, which may include not being able to adhere to social distancing recommendations.  Learn how to minimize your risk and learn strategies to stay as healthy as possible. Presenters: Andrew Petroll, MD, MS., and Ann Brooks, RN Andrew Petroll, MD, MS Dr. Petroll is an Associate Professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin.  He is an Infectious Disease specialist and also serves as the Medical Director of the Froedtert & MCW Inclusion Health Clinic, an outpatient clinic designed to provide affirming and excellent care to the LGBTQ community. Ann Brooks, RN Ann […]

[CONNECT] Book Discussion: Advice from the Lights

Join FORGE and Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin, Inclusion Health Clinic for supportive social connection. All groups are trans and queer led.   Topic: Book Discussion: Advice from the Lights (author Stephanie Burt) Woodland Pattern has provided books for community members to read ahead of this discussion group.  At this session, we’ll read selected poems from trans author, Stephanie Burt’s book of poetry, Advice from the Lights.  Join in to listen and discuss! Get your own (free) book ahead of time by emailing Peter Burzynski peterb@woodlandpattern.org.   Zoom link https://forge-forward.zoom.us/j/93084770642 Use computer audio or dial in:         +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)         +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)         +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) Meeting ID: 930 8477 0642   Facilitator: Loree Cook-Daniels Loree Cook-Daniels is the Policy and Program Director for FORGE.  Cook-Daniels has been a policy analyst and advocate for LGBT issues for more than 40 years, […]