Sarah Simon

Speech-Language Pathologist

SSM Health Dean Medical Group

1821 S Stoughton Road

Madison, WI 53716


I specialize in gender-affirming voice therapy, specifically voice feminization, targeting gender relevant voice and communication parameters, including pitch, intonation & inflections, resonance, loudness & intensity, voice quality, articulation, duration, language choices, and non-verbal communication (e.g., postures, gestures, facial expressions).

Experience with Trans People Some experience with trans people
Length of time working with transgender clients 1 - 4 years
This provider follows these models of care Unknown
This provider writes referral letters for hormones No
This provider prescribes hormones No
This provider writes referral letters for gender-affirming surgery No
This provider refers patients to surgeons for gender-affirming surgery No
This provider writes letters to support identity document changes No

This Entry was last updated on November 2, 2022. Please check with the provider directly for the most current information.