finn phoenix

Therapist | MSW, APSW

Milk Thistle Clinic

This clinic exists because we can all benefit from working with a therapist who can relate to our lived experiences. In order to truly heal and find our way, we want and need more than to work with someone who has read about those like us in a textbook; we want someone who has been there and is finding their way just as we are. This is a space designed to fully see and honor our full selves and the range of identities we see in our communities. finn provides individual therapy for adults and teens 13+, couples, families, and other dyads/triads. They can provide letters to trans folx. finn is based in Milwaukee, and is able to work over teletherapy with folx anywhere in Wisconsin. Their primary focus is in working directly with queer, trans, and gender nonconforming folx and their families.

This person has been a mental health provider for: Unknown
This provider works with: Unknown
This provider works with the following age ranges: Unknown
In addition to English, this provider offers services in these languages: Unknown
Provider's level of experience with trans people: Extensive experience with trans people
Length of time working with transgender clients 5 to 9 years
Estimated number of trans clients worked with in the past five years 11 – 25
This provider follows these models of care ICATH (Informed Consent for Access to Trans Health)
This provider writes referral letters for hormones Yes
This provider writes referral letters for gender-affirming surgery Yes
This provider writes letters to support identity document changes Yes

This Entry was last updated on October 3, 2022. Please check with the provider directly for the most current information.