Susan DeLuca

LCSW | Masters in Social Work

Arbor Counseling Center

1401 McHenry Rd

Ste 122

Buffalo Grove, IL 60089


I have a post-graduate certificate in clinical work with LGBT individuals and their families. Approximately 40% of my clients are LGBT, with 8-10 gender diverse clients at any one time. I support clients in gender exploration, accessing medical interventions, and psychoeducation for them and their families. I have worked with gender diverse clients from age 4 to 65 and have worked with the community for 20+ years, provided trainings on transgender mental health to medical and mental health providers in Illinois and Wisconsin.

This person has been a mental health provider for: Unknown
This provider works with: Unknown
This provider works with the following age ranges: Unknown
In addition to English, this provider offers services in these languages: Unknown
Provider's level of experience with trans people: Extensive experience with trans people
Length of time working with transgender clients 10+ years
Estimated number of trans clients worked with in the past five years 26 - 50
This provider follows these models of care WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health)
This provider writes referral letters for hormones Yes
This provider writes referral letters for gender-affirming surgery Yes
This provider writes letters to support identity document changes Yes

This Entry was last updated on April 3, 2023. Please check with the provider directly for the most current information.