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MKE TDOR 2021 – Call for submissions

Your Voice. Our Community. Our TDOR. We welcome your voice as an integral part of creating this year’s Milwaukee Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR). We encourage you to add your voice – your words, music, dance, performance art – to a collection of others to create a powerful, multi-dimensional, reflective, and meaningful community event. This year’s MKE TDOR will be virtual on November 19, 2021 @ 7:00pm Central Time. The event will be an array of pre-recorded speeches, music, grounding, and community connection. Your voice is essential in making sure MKE’s TDOR is reflective of and inclusive of ALL of our broad community. We especially welcome those who have felt unheard and underrepresented.  Speakers who submit video submissions will be compensated $50. Submit your video contribution: Deadline for submission: November 11, 2021 @ 11:59pm CT Here are the details about what and how to share your content: We are accepting your video submission up […]