Parents of trans kids support group

MKE Parents of Trans Kids is a group of parents and caregivers supporting each other on our individual journeys of love, acceptance, and advocacy for our school-aged gender non-binary, transgender and non-conforming children. We meet monthly on the 3rd Sunday from 2:00pm to 3:30pm. Supportive, gently facilitated meetings offer parents and adult family members the opportunity to share their successes, concerns, and stories of challenges and resilience. This space also provides a forum to learn from others, ask questions, seek feedback, or just listen. Childcare can be provided upon request. Please contact us 10 days prior to the meeting so we can arrange for a sitter. For additional information, email us at

Out with the old, in with the new [Monthly Community Meeting]

FORGE / MKE LGBT CC 1110 N Market Street, 2nd Floor, Milwaukee, WI, United States

Meeting description: We’ve almost made it! 2017 is mercifully coming to a close. Join FORGE at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 16, 2017 for a celebratory and 2018 planning party. We’ll eat together (FORGE will provide the food – vegetarian and meat options), enjoy a free trans-focused raffle, and – most importantly – talk about what FORGE and the larger trans community can do to help make 2018 better for all of us. About that raffle: all attendees will receive free tickets just for showing up, but you can get extra tickets for each item you bring for the Gender Expression Project and/or each item of food you contribute to the LGBT Community Center’s Food Pantry (see below for details on what’s especially needed). Donations to LGBT Community Center Food Pantry:  We encourage you to bring food donations for the Milwaukee LGBT Community Center’s food pantry when you attend the December 16, 2017 FORGE monthly meeting.  […]

Parents of trans kids support group

MKE Parents of Trans Kids is a group of parents and caregivers supporting each other on our individual journeys of love, acceptance, and advocacy for our school-aged gender non-binary, transgender and non-conforming children. We meet monthly on the 3rd Sunday from 2:00pm to 3:30pm. Supportive, gently facilitated meetings offer parents and adult family members the opportunity to share their successes, concerns, and stories of challenges and resilience. This space also provides a forum to learn from others, ask questions, seek feedback, or just listen. Childcare can be provided upon request. Please contact us 10 days prior to the meeting so we can arrange for a sitter. For additional information, email us at

NO January meeting [Monthly Community Meeting]

FORGE / MKE LGBT CC 1110 N Market Street, 2nd Floor, Milwaukee, WI, United States

There will be no monthly meeting in January 2018.  Instead, we encourage you to take part in the HIGHLY inclusive Milwaukee Women’s March and Rally event (see below). Note we will also be hosting a special event in February, so no meeting will be held on February 17, 2018. (See below for info on guest speaker Aidan Key.)

Parents of trans kids support group

MKE Parents of Trans Kids is a group of parents and caregivers supporting each other on our individual journeys of love, acceptance, and advocacy for our school-aged gender non-binary, transgender and non-conforming children. We meet monthly on the 3rd Sunday from 2:00pm to 3:30pm. Supportive, gently facilitated meetings offer parents and adult family members the opportunity to share their successes, concerns, and stories of challenges and resilience. This space also provides a forum to learn from others, ask questions, seek feedback, or just listen. Childcare can be provided upon request. Please contact us 10 days prior to the meeting so we can arrange for a sitter. For additional information, email us at

Parents of trans kids support group

MKE Parents of Trans Kids is a group of parents and caregivers supporting each other on our individual journeys of love, acceptance, and advocacy for our school-aged gender non-binary, transgender and non-conforming children. We meet monthly on the 3rd Sunday from 2:00pm to 3:30pm. Supportive, gently facilitated meetings offer parents and adult family members the opportunity to share their successes, concerns, and stories of challenges and resilience. This space also provides a forum to learn from others, ask questions, seek feedback, or just listen. Childcare can be provided upon request. Please contact us 10 days prior to the meeting so we can arrange for a sitter. For additional information, email us at